Recent changes
  • SharedGoals & SharedGoals Coaching available on iOS

    New Feature

    SharedGoals and SharedGoals coaching are now available in the Apple App Store.

    8 months ago

  • Schedule Assessments


    Previously you were only able to schedule benchmarks to be completed at a later date. You can now scheduled complete Assessments.

    1 year ago

  • Ordering of assessments and benchmarks


    Benchmarks and assessments from your organization will be shown at the top of search results.

    1 year ago

  • Strava Integration now using Webhooks


    SharedGoals now receives activity data via webhooks so your imported actvities will be updated with a few seconds or minutes.

    2 years ago

  • New Calendar display

    New Feature

    New Calendar View to display scheduled items, past activities, scores and goals.

    2 years ago

  • Fix bug on progress chart for time based benchmarks

    Bug Fix

    An extra minute was being added to all time based scores (e.g. plank hold) over a minute.

    2 years ago

  • skip workouts


    athletes can now skip items in their schedule

    2 years ago

  • Link an activity to a workout

    New Feature

    You can now link your past activites to a Workout.

    2 years ago

  • Units for new Benchmarks


    Set expected range of scores when creating new benchmarks

    2 years ago

  • Deleting and Archiving Assessments


    You can now delete and archive Assessments that you are no longer using. Note deleting is only an option when no athletes have completed the Assessment.

    2 years ago

  • Strava Integration improvements


    We now import and process your Strava Activities on a weekly basis. You can selectively import scores for Benchmarks from each of your Strava Activties.

    3 years ago

  • Bulk Delete


    Organizations and Coaches can now bulk delete items from their athlete schedules.

    3 years ago

  • Multi File Uploads

    New Feature

    You can now upload multiple files when recording a workout (as an athlete or coach) and when adding a score for a benchark.

    3 years ago

  • athlete email for new schedule item


    athletes are sent an email with the details of a workout as soon as it is added to their schedule

    3 years ago

  • Delete pending invites to an organization


    you can now delete an invite that hasn't been accepted by an athlete.

    3 years ago

  • Workouts!

    New Feature

    As well as recording scores for benchmarks and assessments, you can now manaage your workouts in SharedGoals. We've released v1 of a powerfull tool that allows you to manage workouts with Movements and Exercise Blocks.

    3 years ago

  • Strava Integration

    New Integration

    You can now pull runs from your strava account to calculate scores for running benchmarks. Will add cycling and swimming benchmarks in a future update.

    3 years ago

  • Support for Imperial Units


    SharedGoals now supports viewing and adding scores in Imperial Units for Weights and Distance/Length Measurements.

    3 years ago

  • Power based Benchmarks

    New Feature

    Athletes and Coaches can now record scores for Power (Watts/W) based benchmarks (e.g. FTP in cycling)

    3 years ago

  • HTML system emails


    Previouslly all email was sent in plain text, now an HTML email is sent with a txt fallback.

    3 years ago

  • Activity Streams for Athletes and Coaches

    New Feature

    Coaches and athletes now have a page displaying the most recent updates that are relevant to them (e.g. a new friend has a new PB, a new athlete has joined an organization). This feature is incomplete but actively be improved.

    3 years ago

  • Goals now appear on progress charts

    New Feature

    When you set a goal for a benchmark this will be marked on your progress chart for that benchmark

    3 years ago

  • Add Goals for a Benchmark

    New Feature

    Athletes can now set a goal for a given benchmark with optional target completion date

    3 years ago

  • Schedule Benchmarks

    New Feature

    Coaches are now able to schedule a Benchmark to be completed by an athlete at a future date

    3 years ago

  • Improved Organization Profile


    Organziation Profile now shows top scores for the most active benchmarks and other KPIs

    3 years ago

  • Draftail RichText Editor


    the Draftail RichText Editor is now available when inputting descriptions for Benchmarks and Assessments

    3 years ago

  • Assessment Grade Scores

    Bug Fix

    bug fix for incorrect dates being used for calculating grades for Asessments

    3 years ago

  • Score Privacy settings

    New Feature

    Users can now make scores private, public or share only with followers and coaches

    3 years ago