Countermovement Jump

Power, Bigger/Longer/Further is better

The Countermovement Jump measures power of the lower limbs by measuring how high an individual can jump from a standing position.

Equipment Required: Timing mat e.g. Just jump, test administrator x1


  1. Participant performs a short warm-up following a RAMP protocol.
  2. Participant stands upright on the timing mat in socks or bare feet, with weight evenly distributed over both feet.
  3. Participant places their hands on their hips and they stay there throughout the test.
  4. Participant squats down until their knees reach a 90 degree bend, then immediately jumps as high as possible, landing back on the mat with both feet at the same time.
  5. Participant completes three attempts, test administrator records best attempt.
  6. Participant inputs the highest jump distance into SharedGoals by clicking on the green “Add score” button.