20 Meter Multi-Stage Fitness Test
Aerobic Capacity,
More repetitions is better
The 20m Multi-Stage Fitness Test measures aerobic capacity by measuring the number of repetitions of 20m shuttles an individual can complete.
Equipment Required: Large open space, headphones/speakers, 20m multi-stage fitness test audio track, stopwatch, tape measure, marker cones x2
- Participant selects a starting point and places a cone (Cone A).
- Participant measures a distance of 20m using the tape measure from Cone A and places a second cone (Cone B).
- Participant ready’s themselves on Cone A in a standing split-stance position and starts the 20m multi-stage fitness test audio track. When instructed, the participant must run to Cone B before they hear a beep signal. After the signal is made, the participant must then run back to Cone A before the next signal is heard.
- In this test, participants are allowed two consecutive fail attempts before they must withdraw from the test. If the participant fails to reach a cone before the beep is sounded then the first fail attempt is awarded; if the participant then fails to reach the next cone before the subsequent beep is sounded then the second fail attempt is awarded and the participant must withdraw.
- Participant inputs the level they reached on the bleep test into SharedGoals by clicking on the green “Add score” button.