kettlebell group training

Set your fitness goals

Track your progress, and compare with the community.

Assess your fitness

Record your scores for any fitness benchmarks and see your progress. Complete our curated assessments to get an idea of your fitness levels for your age group, and your relative strength and weaknesses.

“It was really helpful to measure my functional fitness levels and see my progress.”

Emily Harvey, Tennis player & new mum
fitness wheel

Make a plan

Easily manage your training calendar. Follow plans for your coaches, and record and share your own workouts.

calendar view

Record your progress

Set your goals, record your progress, and motivate your fitness friends.

“Having a plan made me train more consistently”

Adam Barker, Software Engineer and Kettlebell lover
Inbox user interface

Video Analysis

Upload videos of your training and we can count your reps and give you feedback!

video analysis

Your training partner for life


You are in control. Build your own benchmarks, assessments, and training plans.

Privacy controls

Control what you share and what you keep private. Show your progress to the world or keep it to yourself.


Use your training history from Strava to complete Benchmarks on SharedGoals.

Store media

Save videos and photos showing your fitness progress

Advanced Analysis

Advanced video and data analysis to better understand your progress

Export your data

Export all your data at any time.

Build your community

Build your training community. Share your progress and workouts, and motivate others.